Tuesday 7 May 2013


Munny4Hunny is my main income-generating blog where I host most of my paid posts, you can visit the blog  here:
You will note that there are many sponsored posts on this site, in fact probably about half the posts if not more, are 'adverts'.
I make small amounts of money in several ways from the internet - I don't have time to devote myself to it full time, but you can make a reasonable second income through 'mining' several seams of internet income. In this PAID TO BLOG site, I will discuss the various methods that I use and will specifically identify some of the websites that I use to make a bit of extra on-line cash. You may choose to follow my methods or plough a different furrow, it's best to identify what you are good at, and what suits you best - it's not the same for everyone...
My plan will be to discuss first of all the concept, advantages and possible pit-falls of making money on-line. I then plan to go on and examine each of the types of income generation tool that I use, and maybe some that I don't. In addition, I will offer some hints and tips for how to maximise the effectiveness of these tools. Finally I will provide specific links so that you too can begin to make money on-line.

Friday 3 May 2013

What's it All About?

It's a while since I started a new blog, but I am not new to the blogging scene. I already have a few blogs on the go, so why start a new one?
I began blogging in 2006 on a blogspot blog like this one, in 2007 I began to look into making money from blogging and have continued to do so ever since.
The trouble is that it is no longer viable to blog about making money on a blog that carries paid or sponsored posts, the 'clients' don't like it, so in order to inform readers about what is happening in the paid-posting world, I have to write on a different blog (one that doesn't carry paid posts). I won't be updating this blog frequently, but it will at least give me an outlet for discussing the possibilities of making money using a blog such as this one.